Credential Engine announced today a grant from the Northrop Grumman Foundation for Credential Engine’s growing work to publish credentials in support of the Department of Defense (DoD), our military service members, and our nation’s veterans. With this grant, Credential Engine will convene a Military Credentials Working Group to identify and facilitate partnerships within and across DoD and the military’s various branches, the Veterans Administration, veterans service organizations, employers and unions.

“The benefits of comprehensive credential transparency to the military and veterans are clear, and will improve efforts in recruitment, readiness, development, retention and transition,” said Credential Engine Executive Director, Scott Cheney. “Credential Engine has been working with the U.S. Department of Defense since 2016 to publish military-issued credentials to the Credential Registry, align and integrate our credential and competency schema with product lifecycle standards, and support the development of a Defense Department lead clearinghouse of federally-issued licenses and other credentials.”

This work builds, in part, upon existing efforts with the U.S. Navy under a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA), announced earlier this year. The project will commence in September of 2018 and is currently expected to run for two years.


Credential Engine Communications Contact: Carrie Samson

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