A new report from The American Legion and Lumina Foundation, “The Future of Credentialing of Servicemembers and Veterans”, explores ways to improve current and future credentialing opportunities for veterans and servicemembers.

The report stems from the work of the Military Credentialing Advancement Initiative (MCAI) which explores promising practices and recommendations that support the recognition of military-based learning toward high-quality credential pathways.

An important element of this work is creating avenues to recognize the learning and skills of veterans and servicemembers, as well as open avenues for stackable credentials. To this end, the report recognizes the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) as an important tool to increase the usefulness of credential information provided by a different credential providers and stakeholders. Having a common language like the CTDL allows education and training providers, employers, and individuals to better describe and understand credentials, skills, and competencies.

Read the full report.

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