Credential Engine is proud to be an Affiliate Member of the Data Standards United (DSU). Led by some of the most prominent open data standards communities, DSU’s vision is one of “collaboration and alignment of standards to support the global education and workforce digital ecosystem”. DSU is not a new organization, but a voluntary collaborative of some of the world’s most widely used data standards from education to workplace, engineering to health professions, all for lifelong learning.
Together, DSU establishes common ground mechanisms to coordinate and align disparate global data standards while respecting each organization’s independence across systems, platforms, networks, sectors, and industries.
“With data standards in use across many sectors and markets, coordinating and aligning them has been needed especially with the explosion of them in the past 20 years”, states Larry Fruth II, PhD, Access 4 Learning (A4L) Executive Director/CEO and DSU Chair. “DSU is focused on sharing success and promoting partnerships between these groups to support seamless, lifelong learning, provide a forum for emerging technologies, promote existing standards-based solutions and ideally foster an understanding of each community’s role across education, employment and training sectors.”
If you have questions about Credential Engine’s work with DSU, please email Jeanne Kitchens, Credential Engine’s Chief Technology Services Officer.