April 26th, 2023 (Washington, D.C.) – Credential Engine is excited to announce that Su Jin Gatlin Jez, Ph.D. is the newest member of Credential Engine’s Board of Directors. Dr. Jez serves as the CEO of California Competes where she leads their work to develop nonpartisan and financially pragmatic recommendations for improved higher education and workforce policies and practices across California. Dr. Jez has continuously supported Credential Engine’s mission and has been an invaluable member on our Equity Advisory Council. With this addition, Credential Engine’s Board of Directors comprises members spanning education, workforce, human resources, labor, and policy.
“I am thrilled to welcome Dr. Jez to the Board”, says Barbara Gellman-Danley, Board Chair. “Her experience, expertise, and leadership will be invaluable to help lead the critical work of Credential Engine forward.”
Before taking the helm of California Competes, Dr. Jez was a professor of public policy and administration at California State University, Sacramento. She also served as the Director of the statewide CSU Student Success Network, Academic Advisor for the California Executive Fellows Program, and Associate Director of the Sacramento State Doctorate in Educational Leadership. Dr. Jez is an accomplished researcher whose work appears in a variety of publications including Teachers College Record, Education Policy Analysis Archives, Research in Higher Education, Community College Review, and Michigan Journal of Race & Law. She holds a Ph.D. in education administration and policy analysis and an MA in economics from Stanford University. She received a BA in statistics and a minor in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley.
“Credential Engine’s foundational efforts to provide clear and consistent information about credentialing is critical in ensuring that students and workers can make informed decisions about their futures. I am honored to join the Board of Directors and look forward to working alongside the esteemed team to continue advancing this important work,” says Dr. Jez.
“We’ve had the pleasure of working with Dr. Jez as a member of our Equity Advisory Council, and I am confident that she will be a great addition to our Board,” says Credential Engine CEO, Scott Cheney. “She is a supporter of our work and understands the value of open, comparable data for students and workers to make their best decisions, and to improve the transparency of our education and training systems with a focus on quality.”
If you have questions about Credential Engine, its board, or the contents of this release, please email scheney@credentialengine.org.
About Credential Engine: Credential Engine is a non-profit whose mission is to map the credential landscape with clear and consistent information, fueling the creation of resources that empower people to find the pathways that are best for them. Credential Engine’s Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) is the clear standard for richly describing credentials, competency, quality, outcome, pathway, and other essential information as linked, open, interoperable data on the semantic web. Learn more about Credential Engine at www.credentialengine.org.
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