Credential stakeholders build valuable ecosystems using CTDL:
- The Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) is the preeminent credential schema, the go-to credential data structure globally
- CTDL data is user-friendly and human-readable
- Â CTDL data helps with decision-making
- Credential Engine provides a robust support structure for stakeholders building valuable ecosystems of education, training, workforce development credentials, competencies, and links to jobs and skills
- Credential Engine supports and gathers input and feedback from advisory groups and others
The Credential Registry provides CTDL linked open data to address problems:
- The Credential Registry (Registry) is the preeminent credential data source, the go-to credential data structure globally
- Stakeholders building valuable ecosystems continuously evaluate and provide feedback on the breadth and depth of data in the Registry for addressing problems, including the reliability of information and how it empowers people to make more informed decisions about the full range of opportunities available for learning, advancement, and meaningful careers
- Credential Engine supports evolving benchmarks for publishing increasingly valuable data to the Registry
- Credential Engine supports higher education institutions, training providers, and other credentialing organizations to include their data in the Registry
- Credential Engine supports use of the Registry by international, federal, and state government agencies, certification and licensure bodies, quality assurance organizations, technology companies, workforce development organizations, industry sectors, and other credential stakeholders
Credential Engine leverages strategic partnerships for policy and consulting impact:
- Credential Engine supports and advocates for policy development and enactment that advances our mission
- Credential Engine advocates for policies and practices, especially within higher education and workforce development, that make the Registry as robust as possible and ensure the data in the Registry is used for good towards our mission and vision
- Credential Engine supports state and federal agencies, business and labor organizations, and other stakeholders using CTDL data to inform decisions related to the intended outcomes of the policies