This strategic plan, approved by the Credential Engine Board in November 2024, was updated as part of the strategic planning process facilitated by Credential Engine staff in 2024. The forward-looking projections in this strategic plan are based on a 3-year timeframe (2025 through 2027).
We envision a world where everyone has access to clear information about credentials, qualifications, and skills, unlocking opportunities for learning, advancement, and meaningful careers.
Mission Statement
Credential Engine is a non-profit whose mission is to map the credentials, qualifications, and skills landscape with clear information, fueling the creation of resources that empower people to discover and pursue the learning and career pathways that are best for them.
Credential Engine enables and supports stakeholders building valuable solutions that use the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) to empower people:
- Credential Engine works to ensure that data in CTDL is actively used to the benefit of learners, workers, job-seekers, employers, educators, counselors, policymakers, and the general public.
- Credential Engine supports the use of CTDL data and Registry technologies by global, national, state, provincial, and regional government agencies, workforce development organizations, educational institutions, training providers, certification and licensure bodies, quality assurance organizations, product and service companies, developers, researchers, and other credential, qualification, and skill stakeholders.
- Credential Engine provides repeatable processes and services that enable stakeholders to achieve their goals using CTDL.
- Credential Engine provides support for developing products and tools that use CTDL data for education, training, workforce development, competency and skill attainment, learning and career pathways, quality assurance, and related solutions.
- Credential Engine encourages adoption of solutions that provide credential, qualification, and skill transparency empowering people in nations and regions around the world.
Credential Engine advances policy and advocacy for enduring impact and sustainability:
- Credential Engine engages in strategic partnerships to ensure enduring use of CTDL.
- Credential Engine supports the development and enactment of policies, practices, and procedures that advance our mission.
- Credential Engine leads, facilitates, and contributes to thought leadership and research that advance clear understanding of credential and skill ecosystems.
- Credential Engine catalyzes advocates around the world to communicate their commitments to credential, qualification, and skill transparency.
Credential Engine builds and supports technologies and resources to enable long term success and scalability of the mission:
- Credential Engine drives scale and ubiquity that make CTDL more valuable the more it is used.
- Credential Engine leads the ongoing development of CTDL schemas in order to enable effective uses of CTDL data in credential, qualification, and skill ecosystems.
- Credential Engine leads open and collaborative advisory and feedback processes that inform and support our work and that provide open, transparent resources for others to build upon our work.
- Credential Engine encourages creative and adaptive innovations to advance the mission, fostering new approaches and solutions.