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Fact Sheets

High Value Credentials for New England

New England faces a fast-changing economy, economic inequalities, and unparalleled demographic challenges. Access to and completion of an affordable postsecondary credential of value is the key to our region’s ability to adapt to changing workforce needs, attract and retain workers, and provide pathways to growth-oriented, high-wage jobs.

Fact Sheets

State Technical Assistance Fact Sheet

Just as states are forced to address shifting labor market demands, they are under increased obligation to identify, fund, and deliver high quality credentials. Yet the tools and approaches typically used to make these determinations are insufficient to meet the need at any one time, let alone keep current. More than ever, credential transparency and an ability to make informed decisions about the value of credentials through comparative analysis is essential. Credential Engine can support states in designing and implementing practices and policies that improve information about—and access to—transparent and open credential and competency information.

Fact Sheets

Indiana Scales-Up Workforce in Healthcare and Beyond

The success of Indiana’s economy relies on building a high-quality workforce ready to innovate and power the state into the future. Health-related jobs are crucial to Indiana’s economy, and as they represent 25% of its in-demand jobs, understanding the healthcare credentials currently offered in the state is critical to ensuring programs are ready to expand, evolve, and scale to meet future needs. To do this, Indiana committed to work with credentialing organizations to publish all healthcare-related credentials to the Credential Registry. Partnering with Credential Engine, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education has worked with Indiana’s credential providers to publish over 1,000 healthcare credentials on the Credential Registry so far, building a clear map of where the healthcare credentialing ecosystem is, and where it needs to go.

Fact Sheets

Linked Data Fact Sheet

Structured data is machine-readable and used by search engines to understand the content of web pages. Linked Data is a type of structured data that links between systems via the Web. When data is both structured and linked, it becomes a powerful tool that search engines and other systems can leverage.

Fact Sheets

Credential Transparency Description Language Fact Sheet

The Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) is a scheme (a type of-mini language that people and systems can use to understand each other even if their data comes from different sources) that anyone can use to share information about credentialing data. The CTDL not only provides a common and unified way of describing information in the Credential Registry, it is also an open language that can be used on the web. This powerful feature makes it dramatically easier for students, businesses, researchers, and automated systems to discover, understand, and compare information about credentials from a variety of sources.

Additional Resources

State Roadmap & Action Guide

Your State or Region’s credential transparency journey starts here.


Our toolkits contain useful resources for States and organizations looking to implement credential transparency. Our State Toolkit is specifically designed to be used with our Roadmap & Action Guide.

Partner Map

Meet the partners that are bringing credential transparency to their states and regions.

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