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Fact Sheets

State Counting Credentials Reports

Credential Engine, in partnership with the Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness, has produced a series of reports (“Counting U.S. Postsecondary and Secondary Credentials”) that have become the authoritative accounts of the rapidly changing credentialing landscape in the United States.

Fact Sheets

Making Certification Data Transparent to Advance State Goals

As states make progress towards their goals, a critical objective is to demonstrate the connections and pathways among credentials. In particular, states are looking to illustrate how education and training opportunities provided by high schools, career and technical education (CTE) programs, private training providers, and postsecondary institutions prepare individuals to successfully obtain industry certifications.

Fact Sheets

Credential Engine Competency Editor Instructions

These instructions are for the entry of competency frameworks to publish to the Credential Registry. We encourage users to add any relevant information to their competency frameworks.

Fact Sheets

Services for Publishing Transfer Values: Scaling Up

To help people advance more efficiently when they enroll in a program or start a job, all types of organizations can use Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) Transfer Values (TVs) to signal both the transfer value they accept and the transfer value they provide, enabling a currency of exchange.

Fact Sheets

Services for Publishing Transfer Values: Getting Started

To help people advance more efficiently when they enroll in a program or start a job, all types of organizations can use Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) Transfer Values (TVs) to signal both the transfer value they accept and the transfer value they provide, enabling a currency of exchange.

Fact Sheets

Services for Learning and Employment Records: Scaling Up

This fact sheet describes our services for scaling up publishing information to embed in credentials. These services can be customized and combined with additional services and supports, including in-depth technical services, to address your specific circumstances and needs.

Additional Resources

State Roadmap & Action Guide

Your State or Region’s credential transparency journey starts here.


Our toolkits contain useful resources for States and organizations looking to implement credential transparency. Our State Toolkit is specifically designed to be used with our Roadmap & Action Guide.

Partner Map

Meet the partners that are bringing credential transparency to their states and regions.

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