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Credential Engine’s Everhart to Speak at American Legion National Credentialing Summit
August 28, 2019 - August 29, 2019
On Wednesday, August 28, Strategic Advisor, Deborah Everhart, will join education and workforce experts at the two-day American Legion National Credentialing Summit as part of a panel to discuss the future of credentialing and quality assurance in a changing education marketplace.
Panel Title: Assessing the Quality of Credentials
Panel Description:
The need to expand access to high-quality degree and non-degree credentials across the educational spectrum has become increasingly urgent as we seek to meet the demands of a competitive global economy and to assure more equitable access to economic opportunity, social mobility, and civic participation for our servicemembers transitioning back into civilian communities. Our current systems and policies designed to assure both the quality of learning and credentialing beyond high school and equitable access to the same have not kept up with changing demands and circumstances within the employment marketplace. We must recognize that multiple pathways to credentials exist within the 21 st century credentialing environment, and an integrated system of quality assurance that attends to all those pathways is necessary so that learners can move between and among transparent high-quality pathways to ensure access to career opportunities and continued success.
This session will shed light on the variety of quality assurance signals that are in place as we continue to move toward a universal definition of quality that cuts across the credentialing environment. We will hear from experts well versed in assessing quality on a range of topics:
- challenges and overall lessons learned in quality assurance implementation
- examples of quality frameworks and “guideposts” being implemented across education and industry highlights of public/private partnerships that got it “right”
- future quality assurance initiatives that will continue to shape military and veteran access to degree and non-degree credentialing programs.
Moderator: Lauren Runco, Strategy Officer for Military-Based Learning, Lumina Foundation
- Mr. Roy Swift, WorkCred
- Ms. Lisa Lutz, President, SOLID
- Mr. Kermit Kulaba, National Skills Coalition (NSC)
- Ms. Deborah Everhart, Credential Engine
- Ms. Gianina Baker, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
For more information about this event, please visit the event webpage here.