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Credential Engine’s CTDL “Support Services” Task Group: Meeting 1
February 9, 2023 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST
Credential Engine follows a clearly defined, open process to make significant updates to develop the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL). This process includes subject matter and technical experts forming short-term task groups to provide valuable input (typically 8-12 weeks). You are invited to join our new Support Services Task Group (SSTG). This Task Group will focus on data that includes learner supports to enter into, navigate,and successfully complete credentialing programs including pre-enrollment, post-enrollment, and post-exit. It will also consider demographic information with outcome data, and other types of information about how organizations develop and implement policies related to equitable access and outcomes. The work of this task group supports the goals and recommendations of Credential Engine’s Equity Advisory Council, state partners, and other agencies and organizations who are working to improve the learn and work data ecosystem.
The Support Services Task Group will build off the recommendations from the Credential Engine’s Equity Advisory Council. This Council has been working for over a year to form recommendations for CTDL expansion and for communicating the importance and value of publishing data to the Credential Registry that helps with equity challenges.
The SSTG will:
- Review and expand upon use cases developed by the Equity Advisory Council.
- Provide real data examples that support use cases.
- Provide input to expand the CTDL domain model and create additional CTDL terms where necessary to address actionable use cases.
Who: Prior knowledge of CTDL is appreciated by not required. Credential Engine encourages subject matter and technical experts in the following areas, both in and outside the U.S., to join the SSTG.
The SSTG is for: (1) subject matter experts (SMEs) who define or deliver support services for a diverse student population; (2) SMEs who define or deliver outcome data that helps students and educators understand barriers for a diverse student population and how they matriculate in career pathway, and (3) SMEs that develop and communicate equity policies, and (4) SMEs that utilize support services, outcome data, and/or knowledge of equity policies to ensure success of a diverse student population.
When and Where: The SSTG will hold its first meeting on February 9, 2023. There will be approximately six virtual (Zoom) meetings held every other week for one hour, and conclude in April 2022. Below is the proposed meeting schedule. Meetings are scheduled for 11 am ET / 10 am CT / 9 am MT / 8 am PT. Use the World Clock to see more time zones.
- Thursday, February 9th @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
- Thursday, February 23rd @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
- Thursday, March 9th @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
- Thursday, March 23rd @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
- Thursday, April 6th @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
- Thursday, April 20th @ 11 AM ET/ 10 AM CT/ 9 AM MT/ 8 AM PT
Resources: Credential Engine will create and provide all resources needed for this work, based on SSTG input, and share them for ongoing feedback between meetings. All feedback and materials are transparently available following an open development process.
Outcomes: The final products of this work include the expanded use cases, real-world data examples, and relevant CTDL domain model and terms with definitions. All outputs from the process are all public information made available under open licenses.
Processes: The process utilized to ensure timely and usable outcomes from Task Groups is well established and successful. The resultant outputs will be reviewed via an open webinar for Credential Engines’ advisory group members and other stakeholders followed by a public comment period. This efficient process ensures orderly changes that support and expand the durable, persistent value of CTDL Linked Open Data. Once this process is completed, the CTDL family of standards and Handbook will be updated along with the Credential Registry publishing and consuming tools. The Registry and related tools and resources are freely available for publishing data to the Credential Registry.
If you’re interested in joining the Support Services Task Group please use the sign up form.
If you have any questions, please let us know via info@credentialengine.org.