GDN Conversation Series: Understanding Credential and Skill Transparency and Interoperability with Credential Engine: Part two: Trust and Interoperability – CE and MIT’s Digital Credentials Consortium Joint Work on Trusted Issuer Registries
February 12 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am EST
Presenters: Jeanne Kitchens, Chief Technology Services Officer, Credential Engine; Kerri Lemoie, Director, MIT Digital Credentials Consortium; Moderator: Joanne Duklas, Executive Director, The GDN Network
This session will provide a system level case example of how two organizations are working in partnership across standards and platforms to create a more interoperable and seamless experience to support learner mobility. The goal with this kind of system level work is to ensure that learners and credential evaluators and verifiers have access to the information needed to make scalable automation happen and also enable learners to have full and complete access to the right information when moving forward their education and careers.
Suggested Audience: Business and academic leaders involved in learner mobility work, course developers, registrars, and their teams, CIOs.
Jeanne Kitchens serves as the Chief Technology Services Officer, overseeing all technological programs, policies, and advancements across all facets of Credential Engine’s work. Previously, she served as the Associate Director for the Southern Illinois University Center for Workforce Development, where she not only led the technical design and development efforts for the Credential Engine technologies but also was among the original team responsible for transforming the Credential Transparency Initiative pilot project into the current organization. In her 20 years with SIU she led technical and program development teams for numerous workforce development programs for the State of Illinois and continues to contribute to national programs including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s T3 Innovation Network.
Kerri Lemoie, Ph.D. directs the development, planning, and strategy of the DCC. Kerri has been working on the web for 25+ years as a web developer and in multiple leadership capacities and advisory roles. As one of the founding technical contributors to Open Badges, she is a recognized leader in the digital credentials ecosystem. Kerri completed her Ph.D. at Fielding Graduate University in Media Psychology. Her dissertation research focused on technology adoption of self-sovereign digital identity.
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Learn more about this series here.