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Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP)

Through LEAP, hundreds of campuses are making far-reaching educational changes to help all their students—whatever their chosen field of study—acquire the broad knowledge, higher order capacities, and real world experience…

National Network of Business and Industry Associations

Their mission is to bridge the “skills gap” by clarifying the type of skills employers are looking for in current and emerging job categories, helping learning institutions and employers develop…

The Global Learning Qualifications Framework

The GLQF clusters learning into three overarching constructs which subdivide into eight learning domains. The GLQF is a culmination of research on more than 90 countries’ policies, procedures and qualifications…

Credential Transparency Initiative Collaborative Launches

More than 80 major stakeholder organizations took part in the inaugural meeting at the American Council on Education (ACE) headquarters in Washington, D.C. ACE president Molly Corbett Broad welcomed participants…
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