Quality Assurance Bodies Fact Sheet
As new credentials come into the marketplace quality assurance bodies face the challenge of trying to track and evaluate each new credential to keep the public informed.
As new credentials come into the marketplace quality assurance bodies face the challenge of trying to track and evaluate each new credential to keep the public informed.
One of the primary challenges that certification and state licensure organizations face is finding successful marketing strategies to not only effectively demonstrate the quality and market value of their program but also to keep their program highly visible to their stakeholders, potential applicants and the public.
Our roadmap and action guide for state policymakers outlines steps towards credential transparency.
Provisions are now requiring the publishing of data related to credentials and competencies in linked open data schema makes the specific reference “credential transparency description language”—the specification hosted by Credential Engine. Learn how working with CTDL will ensure compliance with USDOL's grant.
We want to empower everyone to contribute to open, transparent credentialing ecosystems. In support of our mission, we publish free resources and technologies, such as CTDL, publishing tools, an open-source Credential Registry. Our support includes guides and documentation, communities of practice, and basic technical assistance for publishing and consuming CTDL data. We encourage everyone to use and build upon our openly licensed resources and technologies.
The Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) family of specifications, our account management system, publishing tools, and Credential Registry are and will always be available at no cost. To enable a broader community of practitioners and providers to leverage these, we offer related fee-based technical design and development services.
We’re pleased to share this working-draft mapping document which we will update each year. Our goal is to bring greater transparency to initiatives already at play and spur conversations about what efforts are missing and actions we can take to accelerate the work.
This is a sample template that can be used to enact policy solutions that support credential transparency.
Building a comprehensive and connected data infrastructure of credential data is critical to ensuring everyone is empowered with the resources they need to make informed decisions about education and training opportunities. Leaders at all levels, from institutions and agencies, to local, state, and federal government can support the development of this infrastructure by enacting policies rooted in credential transparency.
We encourage users to add any additional information relevant to their organization and credential(s). Like Credential Engine’s minimum required data and required if available data sets, we also recommend a set of data that is important for users of the data. These instructions are for publishing the Recommended data set.