Equity Advisory Council Report and Recommendations
Credential Engine’s work is centered around data transparency. Transparent, linked, open data has been identified as a particularly valuable tool for revealing inequities, understanding their root causes, and then informing and driving systemic change in a number of areas, including postsecondary education and training. Credential Engine understands that in a society rife with inequities, a commitment to open data use alone is not sufficient. To support the intentional identification and publishing of key data to aid the field in assessing equitable pathways, transfer, and the recognition of learning, Credential Engine convened a broad coalition of equity-focused thought leaders, called the Equity Advisory Council (EAC). The Council, along with HCM Strategists, and Credential Engine staff worked diligently to create a report of recommendations.
Alabama’s Success Plus Attainment Goal Progress 2018–2021: Credential Attainment Report
This report, an important step in accounting for credential attainment across multiple education and training systems, aims to provide a clearer picture of the credential landscape and statewide progress toward attainment goals. The credential attainment numbers represent important progress toward Alabama’s Success Plus goals.
Counting U.S. Secondary and Postsecondary Credentials Report (2022)
Learners, educators, and policymakers recognize that high school completion and education beyond high school are critical for individuals to thrive in a complex global economy. This fourth Counting Credentials report attempts to count the total credentials available, following a thorough and rigorous method for each credential type. The report identifies 1,076,358 unique credentials in the U.S.
Education and Training Expenditures in the U.S. Report (2022)
Learners, educators, employers, and policymakers understand that expenditures on education and training are necessary to develop the skills and talent required by today’s and tomorrow’s workforce. However, we do not have a robust understanding of how much we spend nationwide on acquiring these necessary skills and credentials.
Counting U.S. Postsecondary and Secondary Credentials (2021)
This report details our count of postsecondary and secondary credentials in the U.S.
Creating an impact with Credential Quality and Transparency (2020)
A state policy toolkit by National Skills Coalition that guides states on how to improve credential quality and transparency.
Education and Training Expenditures in the U.S. (2021)
New reports find nearly one million credentials and $2 Trillion in yearly education and training expenditures in U.S.
New Report: Badge Count (2020)
IMS Global and Credential Engine have released a report detailing findings on the remarkable growth in the use of Open Badges—the world's leading format for digital badges.