“In addition, the Department aims to ensure that individuals, employers, education and training providers, and others have access to the most complete, current, and beneficial information about providers, programs, credentials, and skills necessary to make more informed decisions. Access includes having such information fully operable on the semantic web and able to be used in modern applications, tools, and services to support better understanding of available pathways; and the development of improved navigation and guidance tools to help individuals make better decisions about which pathways are best for them. To this end, the Department requires that information about all credentials (including, but not limited to, badges, certificates, certifications, licenses, and degrees of all levels and types) and competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) developed or delivered through the use of federal funds be made publicly accessible through the use of linked open data formats that support full transparency and interoperability, such as through the use of the credential transparency description language specifications.” (page 11)
– Section I.A.1.c of the SCC FOA
[pdf-embedder url=”https://credentialengine.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/SCC-Statement-of-Capabilities-Specific-Language-on-Linked-Open-Data-CTDL-Fact-Sheet.pdf” title=”SCC Statement of Capabilities Specific Language on Linked Open Data & CTDL Fact Sheet”