Scott Cheney

Chief Executive Officer

Scott Cheney is Credential Engine’s first Chief Executive Officer where he leads the organization’s efforts to bring transparency to credentials and reveal the marketplace of credentials. Scott opened Credential Engine’s doors in April 2017. He has over 30 years of experience in, and brings a multi-faceted perspective to, developing the skills of the workforce to meet the needs of the economy. In January 2023 Scott joined the Board of Directors of the Velocity Network Foundation, a global non-profit facilitating the secure sharing of education and career records across the global market.

Prior to Credential Engine, he served as the Policy Director for Workforce, Economic Development, and Pensions for Senator Patty Murray and the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. He led the reauthorization of the country’s central workforce development legislation, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Scott also led the Senator’s work to reauthorize Career & Technical Education, expand registered apprenticeships, provide training for ex-offenders to support successful re-entry, formalize research and evaluation standards at the Department of Labor, enhance services and resources for dislocated workers, modernize unemployment insurance, and better align workforce and economic development in distressed regions around the country.

Before going to Capitol Hill, Scott formed his own consulting firm, working with a number of states, companies, foundations, and think tanks on a host of education, training and employment issues. He also held positions with the National Alliance of Business the American Society for Training and Development, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and worked with foster-care, homeless youth, and adult literacy programs. His first paycheck in this career path came from Dr. Seuss.

Scott holds a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from Carleton College, and a Master of Public Policy degree from Georgetown University.

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