What you can do with the State Roadmap, Action Guide, and Toolkit
Download the Guide
Build awareness, understanding, and demand for integrating credential transparency into education and workforce development policy.
Explore the Toolkit
The resources in the Toolkit are designed to help state leaders understand and execute the steps in the State Roadmap and Action Guide to Transparency to bring about, maintain, and benefit from credential transparency.
Preview the Action Guide
What is Credential Transparency and Why Does it Matter to State Policymakers?
Credential Engine uses the term “credential” broadly, including but not necessarily limited to diplomas, badges, certificates, apprenticeships, licenses, certifications, and degrees of all types and levels. These credentials all capture and convey unique sets of competencies (knowledge, skills, and abilities) to signal what a holder is able to do in the education and employment market.
Learn why it’s important that State policymakers understand why it’s so valuable for learners to understand the vast number of opportunities that are available to them.

The Roadmap to Credential Transparency
Understand the Value
Policy leaders who want to transform their labor market information systems can learn more about the foundational role that a common language and marketplace for credentials play in creating greater transparency.
Make the Case
By committing to and communicating the value of credential transparency, all stakeholders will see their role in the work.
Align with Existing Data Commitments
State leaders need to understand how national and homegrown efforts can be coordinated and connected so they are more powerful than operating in silos.
Catalog and Publish Credentials and Competencies
In order to make use of a common language and consistent, comprehensive linked open data about credentials and competencies, states must first understand what credentials are offered in their state, what data is currently available, and in what formats and work to map and publish that data to the Registry.
Turn this Data into Actionable Information
Data can be transformed into actionable information when it is connected and linked with other important data analyzed, and publicly reported. The Credential Registry and CTDL together make this possible.
Build Enduring Commitment
State policymakers are vital to ensuring that credential transparency is a core element of their education and workforce development strategies for the long term.
Credential Transparency’s Critical Role in the Connected Learning and Work Ecosystem
Working towards a better-connected learning and work ecosystem requires collaboration and planning. We’ve developed resources for states to learn about, plan for, and implement policies and practices that help take the inefficiencies out of the labor marketplace and provide more efficient and equitable access to actionable information through the prioritization of credential transparency.
Specific Policymaker Actions
Our guide outlines the leadership roles that governors, legislators, agency leaders, businesses and employers, and education and training providers can play to leverage the power of credential transparency to support their broader workforce development strategies and reach their goals. All of these leaders are critical to making this roadmap a reality in your state.
Start Implementing
Download the full guide to get started on your state’s credential transparency journey.
Our State Partnership Toolkit contains useful resources that can help you implement this roadmap.