Making Credentials Transparent

Credential Engine is a non-profit on a mission to map the credentials, qualifications, and skills landscape with clear information, fueling the creation of resources that empower people to discover and pursue the learning and career pathways that are best for them. 

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1.076 Million

Credentials in the U.S.

$2.13 Trillion

Spent in education and training

59.69 Thousand

Credential providers across the U.S.

1.076 Million

Credentials in the U.S.

$2.13 Trillion

Spent in education and training

59.69 Thousand

Credential providers across the U.S.

With over a million ways for people to keep pace with a fast-moving economy,
we can create a future where:

can have equitable access to navigate the full range of learning and career opportunities.

can discover and confidently hire people with the necessary skills for the job.

Credential Providers
can clearly describe the credentials, their value, and how they meet the needs of learners and employers.

can better understand credentials and support their communities to meet economic needs.

It is vital that we work together to achieve these goals.

Tailored Services

Credential Engine is committed to empowering everyone to contribute to open, transparent credentialing ecosystems. In support of our mission, Credential Engine offers a wide range of freely available resources as well as fee-based services that meet the needs of organizations managing credential and competency data.

People Deserve Better Information About Available Credentials

Learners, employers, credential providers, and policy-makers lack clarity on what’s inside credentials. From costs to pathways to jobs, there’s an urgent need for consistent and transparent information.

We believe it’s time to shine a light on these issues and work together to transform the credential landscape.

How is Credential Engine Leading This Transformation?

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CTDL – A Common Language

We developed the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) – a schema, or common language, that people and systems can use to understand each other. It unifies data, provides meaning, and makes it easier for learners, businesses, researchers, and systems to discover and understand different credentials.

Credential Registry

Our cloud-based Credential Registry hosts detailed information about credentials and skills and makes it accessible to anyone from anywhere. It allows providers to upload information, such as learning outcomes, cost, and market value, and fuels the development of tools and services that use this information to help people make better decisions.

Policy & Advocacy

Credential Engine works alongside policymakers to take inefficiencies out of the talent marketplace and provide people with efficient and equitable access to learning opportunities based in credential transparency. We also partner with organizations and thought leaders who can help us advance our mission.

Tailored Services

Credential Engine offers a wide range of free and fee-based services that meet the needs of organizations managing credential and skill data. Whether you’re a government agency, credentialing organization, military body, employer, technology provider, or others working toward credential transparency, our services are tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Together, we can illuminate the path towards
Credential Transparency

Credential Engine is proud to work alongside partners in government, technology, business, and education to help deliver value and thought leadership to the credential landscape. Our current progress would not be possible without them.

Our Latest Findings

$2.133 Trillion

spent annually in the U.S. on the delivery and attainment of credentials.

1.076 Million

credentials in the U.S., including diplomas, badges, certificates, apprenticeships, certifications, licenses, and degrees of all types and levels.

59.69 Thousand

Credential providers across the U.S.

Report Cover Page

Counting Credentials

We raise important questions about the credential ecosystem by performing extensive counts and using computational models to estimate the vast amount of credentials in the United States. Our findings are published in our Counting Credentials report. Learn about our latest findings below
View the Report

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