This recent article from Inside Higher Ed authored by Ken Sauer, Senior Associate Commissioner and Chief Academic Officer at the Indiana Commission for Higher Education, explores the important work Indiana is doing to integrate transfer and technology in support of learners.
The article notes how Indiana is working with Credential Engine to leverage credential transparency to reach larger state goals. Technology — especially the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) and the Credential Registry — are helping Indiana scale opportunities for high schoolers to earn postsecondary credentials.
Indiana has developed the Indiana Credential Registry which features data from over 3,000 certificates and degrees across the state. The state will work with Credential Engine, Ivy Tech, and the Indiana Commission for Higher Education to bolster that data by mapping all liberal arts courses needed to complete the Indiana College Core. Making these data public will help students better understand how to meet credential requirements and how they can more efficiently navigate their paths to credentials and the workforce.