Credential Engine has been collaborating with partners, subject- and technical-matter experts to expand the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) to support complex education and career pathways.  Although the CTDL had already supported publishing pathways, the Pathway Constraints Task Group (PCTG) was formed to work on more complex use cases for progressing through Pathways.  

The outcome from the PCTG, is a CTDL Terms Release that supports publishing pathways whether only a simple progression, a progression with conditions, or a more complex progression with conditions and constraints. 

  1. Pathways (previously supported) – A progression of Pathway Components that navigate to a destination.  
  2. Component Conditions (previously supported) – Define required quantities from an array of predetermined Pathway Components.  For example, a requirement to complete two courses.
  3. Constraints (new) – Restrictions that can be expressed in addition to Component Conditions. For example, credits earned must be equal to or greater than a specific quantity, courses must be at a specific level, or hours worked must be equal to or greater than a determined quantity.  

With this June 2022 release, Credential Engine has:

This CTDL update was completed following Credential Engine’s clearly defined, open process to make significant updates to develop the CTDL.

Publishing complex pathways to the Credential Registry will be supported with a new Pathway Builder interactive tool that will be available later this year. 

If you have any questions, please visit our Contact Us page. We typically respond within one to two business days. 

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