(December 13th, Washington, D.C.) – Credential Engine is pleased to endorse the inclusion of credential transparency and the embrace of the value of linked, open, interoperable data in several pieces of legislation that passed out of the House and Senate education and workforce committees on Tuesday, December 11th. These bills and the data provisions will ensure that all students, workers, and employers will have open access to comparable data about all education and training options so they can make their most informed decisions.
On Monday, December 11th, Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA) introduced the CREATES Act. CREATES provides funding to states so they can gather and provide essential information about all educational and occupational credentials available to their residents, empowering individuals to make more informed decisions about their education and career pathways.
On Tuesday, December 12th three bipartisan bills were advanced that recognize the essential value of transparent credential data across the broad spectrum of education, workforce and training systems and services. The House Committee on Education & Workforce approved two bills that include critical support for credential transparency – A Stronger Workforce for America Act – legislation that will reauthorize the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and the Bipartisan Workforce Pell Act. Together, the quality, performance, and outcomes transparency will help students, job-seekers, and workers identify and pursue high-quality, portable, and stackable programs that better lead to career advancement.
And the Senate HELP Committee approved the bipartisan “Advancing Research in Education Act”, a reauthorization of ESRA. Under AREA, the Department of Education’s research efforts will utilize linked, open, and interoperable data standards for the sharing of important information about the quality, performance, outcomes and impact of education and training programs, adding to the richness of our understanding of these programs, and further improving the ability of individuals to navigate our complex maze of all credentials.
“Credential Engine applauds Chairwoman Foxx, Ranking Member Scott, Chairman Sanders, Ranking Member Cassidy, Rep. McBath, and the members of both committees for their leadership and commitment to transparency that benefits our nation’s students, workers, and employers,” said Scott Cheney, Credential Engine’s Chief Executive Officer. “Empowering students and workers with open access to essential information about credentials, skills, and outcomes allows them to find their own best pathways.”
If you have any questions about the information provided, and/or how you can get involved, contact us at info@credentialengine.org.
About Credential Engine
Credential Engine is a non-profit whose mission is to map the credential landscape with clear and consistent information, fueling the creation of resources that empower people to find the pathways that are best for them. Credential Engine provides a suite of web-based services that creates for the first time a public Credential Registry to house up-to-date information about all credentials, the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) a common description language to enable credential comparability, and a platform to support customized applications to search and retrieve information about credentials. Learn more about Credential Engine at: credentialengine.org
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