On January 31st, we held the CTDL Certificates Terms Proposal Webinar to confirm the proposed additions to the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) by refining the granularity of valuable certificate data. The webinar recording and presentation are available for your review.
Your input is highly valued, and we appreciate your contribution. Following the webinar today is a two-week comment period, so please provide feedback on the CTDL Certificates Terms Proposal by Friday, February 16, 2024 using any of the following options:
- Comment directly in the Draft CTDL Certificates Terms Proposal V 3.1 January 12, 2023 (To add your feedback, highlight the applicable text and right-click, then select “+Comment,” type your feedback, and hit the blue Comment button to save.)
- Add comments to GitHub Issue #914: Certificates Task Group Proposal.
- Email info@credentialengine.org. This account is monitored during normal U.S. business hours.
The CTDL Certificates terms updates are part of a process designed to facilitate organized changes to CTDL Linked Open Data. Credential Engine’s plan includes updating the CTDL, with a February 2024 implementation of the changes within the Credential Registry Publishing System.
We will provide further details on these updates. If you have any questions, please reach out to info@credentialengine.org.