Credential Engine is extending an invitation to you to join the CTDL Rubric Terms Proposal Webinar!

In collaboration with the CTDL team, the CTDL Rubrics Task Group (RTG) has crafted a proposal introducing CTDL rubric terms. Rubrics hold the key to unlocking a deeper comprehension of competencies within the context of credentials and job roles. By defining observable behaviors that indicate varying levels of proficiency, rubrics empower us to assess learning outcomes, gauge task performance, and more.

Already proficient in describing credentials, competencies, assessments, and tasks, CTDL is poised to take its capabilities to the next level by incorporating CTDL rubric terms. With the Task Group’s work now complete, we are excited to present the CTDL Rubrics Term Proposal to stakeholders like you and eagerly await your invaluable feedback. At the heart of CTDL’s evolution lies community engagement and feedback. This is your chance to delve into the RTG’s efforts, review the proposal, and contribute your insights.

We are offering two time slots on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Please register for the time that is most convenient for you:

Please note that following the webinars will be recorded and the recordings made publicly available along with all meeting materials. 

Thank you for your interest and participation in the CTDL development process. We look forward to your involvement.


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