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EDUCAUSE Review Article Features Credential Engine

The February 13, 2017, issue of EDUCAUSE Review featured an article on the work of Credential Engine in driving a transparent credentialing ecosystem: “Credential Engine is building a promising new…

Credential Engine Names Board of Directors

The members of the Credential Engine board of directors are: Joe Bhatia, president and CEO, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Chris Bustamante, President, Rio Salado College Anthony Carnevale, Research Professor…

Guide: Credential Transparency Description Language

This document is intended to introduce newcomers to the basics of CTDL and to provide those familiar with the description language with a means for quick reference and example solutions…

Degree Qualifications Profile & Tuning

The DQP represents a comprehensive and ongoing effort to clearly define what postsecondary degrees should mean in terms of specific learning outcomes. Tuning identifies what a student should know and…


More specifically, GEMEnA is engaged in a rigorous process of survey item development to validate core items on 1) the attainment of non-degree credentials, including industry-recognized certifications, occupational licenses, and…

Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP)

Through LEAP, hundreds of campuses are making far-reaching educational changes to help all their students—whatever their chosen field of study—acquire the broad knowledge, higher order capacities, and real world experience…

National Network of Business and Industry Associations

Their mission is to bridge the “skills gap” by clarifying the type of skills employers are looking for in current and emerging job categories, helping learning institutions and employers develop…
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