Credential Engine is clarifying the diverse marketplace of certificates by providing more extensive credential type definitions, in order to help people make informed decisions. We need your expertise and feedback…
Credential Engine is hiring for a Lead Technology Solutions Engineer! The Lead Technology Solutions Engineer will be responsible for managing the Credential Engine Technology Solutions (CETS) team and actively contributing…
The December 2023 edition of Transparency, Credential Engine’s once-monthly newsletter, went out mid December. If you missed it, you can read it online. To be in the know and receive…
Credential Engine is initiating a select pilot to trial our new Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) JSON LD Ingest tool. Designed to streamline the data update process on the Credential…
(December 13th, Washington, D.C.) – Credential Engine is pleased to endorse the inclusion of credential transparency and the embrace of the value of linked, open, interoperable data in several pieces…
New partnership helps higher education institutions provide equitable access to students navigating learning and career opportunities Higher Digital announces today the availability of service offerings to help institutions add credential data to…
Check out this new Centering Credential Transparency: A Case-Making Guide from Jobs for the Future (JFF), in collaboration with Credential Engine! This guide is for creating credential transparency to support a future credential marketplace for everyone.…
Credential Engine is excited to announce that we have partnered with the American Council on Education (ACE) to integrate ACE’s extensive database of college credit recommendations with the Credential Registry.…